About Us
FMS is member of the Swiss indutrial Group, VSB Holding SA, with various sisters companies active in the high precision manufacturing industry with enormous different synergies and competences.
Our aim is to deliver a complete solution to all your business needs as part of a growing industry. The majority of our equipment comes from Switzerland and Germany.
All the equippment promoted and supplied by us are also used and tested in our own manufacturing company in Switzerland.
We take pride in only providing the highest standard of equipment to our clients. We are conveniently located in Dubai’s DMCC Free Zone, allowing us to provide quick and efficient service to a growing market.

​Thanks to our know-how in many sectors, we offer our support from the design phase to improve the efficiency of our partners' products. Continuous improvement is one of our strengths, guaranteeing our quality. Passionate, we consider each project as a project from point "A" to point "Z" in an efficient and accurate way.
Focusing in quality, leading by inspiration, every projects is analyzed by pragmatism and open point of view in order to see all angles differently.
Believing that serving come first, we always invest ourselves in value creation and customer instead of focusing of what you can get.